October 08, 2007

ANGRA: Guitarist plays to Malaysian Crowd as Part Of Asian Clinic Tour

According to The Star Online, <>ANGRA guitarist Kiko Loureiro performed at the SEGi College auditorium in Malaysia recently as part of his Asian Clinic Tour showcasing his talents while promoting his new album, "Universo Inverso".

The auditorium was packed even before the show began with some 200 Kiko Loureiro fanatics and guitar enthusiasts.

The tour, organized by Guitar Collection Sdn Bhd, started at 8:00 p.m. with the arrival of the Brazilian ambassador to Malaysia, Marcos Caramuru de Paiva, who was received by Loureiro personally.

Loureiro showcased his skills accomplishing every note with ease.

"He's simply marvellous. I watched him carefully plucking each fast note and he did not even break a sweat! He's truly a genius. I was practically sweating buckets because it is just impossible to nail notes that fast! He is amazing," exclaimed Camilla Chung, an ardent fan of Loureiro.

Loureiro played a medley of three numbers, "No Gravity", "Dilemma" and "Challenge" before he explained more about his background.

The show ended at 10:30 p.m. with the audience giving Loureiro a standing ovation. Some even rushed for autographs.

Read more at The Star Online.

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