September 26, 2007

Rockford’s Rock Opera is a unique adventure in sound

Rockford’s Rock Opera is an utterly original narrated musical story that’s available to stream and download. It tells the story of Rockford the dog and his adventures on the island of Infinity, a strange world that is home to the last one of every extict animal species. With an amazing story, wonderful music, psychedelic sound scapes, enchanting illustrations and lovingly animated videos, Rockford’s Rock Opera is unlike anything else.

At its heart, Rockford’s Rock Opera is a story about extinction and the effect man is having upon the earth. But it’s also a story with real hope and which highlights the positive moves we can all make to help reverse the current ecological crisis. Rockford’s Rock Opera wears its green colours proudly and even presents it’s own heartfelt solution to the current crisis of global warming…

Rockford’s Rock Opera [Part One] is 52 minutes long and is available to download now on the web. The story is in 3 parts and it will conclude in 2007. also features FREE animated videos and background information about the ecological and extinction issues that are central to the story. Rockford’s Rock Opera is suitable for all ages, but it is not simply a children’s story set to music, its inspiration can be found in ‘concept albums’ such as Jeff Wayne’s ‘War of the Worlds’, Roger Glover’s ‘Butterfly Ball’, Harry Nilssen’s ‘The Point’ and The Small Faces ‘Ogden’s Nut Gone Flake’.

Everything about Rockford's Rock Opera has been produced by Sweetapple and a very small group of dedicated people – there's no big film, TV or music company behind it. There's no expensive marketing campaign either. All we can ask is that people listen and, we hope, recommend our story to their friends.

Just go to - and press play.

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